
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
In this podcast I talk about detox therapies and how tey work for you? we discuss many styles of detoxing and my emphasis is on individual power and empowerment to achieve your detox goals.
At the end many of the participants ask questions and I answer them to the best of my ability to help.
Lets talk about our Spring Detox 7 day course coming up from Sept 3rd till Sept 9th 2024. YOu can use promo SD24 for $60 discount until August 23rd 2024. After that the course will be full price at $180.
Includes student herbal kit valued at $100.
We meet on zoom link every night for seven nights at 7pm AEST.
Join at www.medicineroom.com.au
Sign up for my newsletter and get the latest podcast info when its done.
Love Dom

Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
Join me in conversation with Narelle Walsh as we discuss sleep and how to improve your sleep quality.
On June 5th to 10th 2024 we are running an online sleep clinic at Medicineroom and we invite you to join us.
Sleep Hygiene , sleep hormones, sleep foods, sleep strategies and sleep wellness.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Metabolism Boosting, flexibility and resets. Lets discuss what can work for you!
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Join Dominique in this podcast recorded live with 100 participants online 24/4/2024.
We discuss many aspects of metabolism for 60 minutes and have a Q and A at the end for 45 minutes.
#metabolism #metabolicreset

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Welcome to episode 19 of my podcast. July 28th 2020 .
Today I chat with Iconic naturopath Trijntje Reilly who has been living here in Maleny for the last 20 plus years. She shares with us her organic gardening, herbal medicines, favourite herbs and her spiritual energetic healing practices.
Intro music by Chris Lane www.chrislane108.com
Thanks fro joining me. with love Dominique Livkamal. wishing you wellness and joy!

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Dom and Georgie from Freshbox chat about local wellness strategies
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Join Dom as she chats with Georgie from Freshbox deliveries on local wellness strategies. Some hints and tips on staying well now!
Georgie runs fresh box organics which is a home delivery service for organic fruits, vegetables, groceries and wine here in The Sunshine Coast.
If you enjoy wellness podcasts and love to learn new interesting info. Then join us down under for teh best conversations and info on wellness and joy!
Thanks to Chrislane108.com for the music at intro and exit. We love your music and good vibe meditations.
Visit us www.medicineroom.com.au

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
The Low down on Cholesterol management with Naturopathy.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Hello and welcome to my podcast today.
Episode 17...
The Low down on Cholesterol with naturopathy!
I tried something new... Let me know your thoughts. I made a podcast today for an hour before I wrote the blog. I sat down in our herbal dispensary with some books and share info from several sources both academic and nature cure based to give you the info. So, you can listen to the blog now too!
Food as medicine !
I also have included a delicious recipe for a Norwegian Salad we had in Brisbane which is the perfect food for reducing cholesterol! Easy to make and full of the right ingredients!
Simply mix fresh greens with soft white cheese, smoked salmon, lemon juice and cold freshly boiled sweet potato in slices. Add in some roasted globe artichoke slices for extra liver benefits! Make a garlicy salad dressing with 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Olive oil, 1 clove of raw garlic and a small pinch of salt. This salad also contained some freshly pickled cucumbers. I love a dash of honey on this recipe too!
Its all about cholesterol reduction naturally
Here we are in detox season and we want to reduce and control fatty acids and cholesterol in our body to help develop optimal wellness. We want appropriate cholesterol in our blood and this can help reduce risk factors for heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and stroke.
Cholesterol is essential in our body. Its vital to your health and well being. Blood levels are measured at a fasting level 12 hours of no food to show a realistic and true reading of your blood cholesterol. You can get this done at your local Doctors surgery or talk with your pharmacist and ask if they have any home test kits for sale! A google search might reveal some home kits that are a simple finger prick kit done at your convenience at home! Its good to monitor your cholesterol levels if you are at risk of cardiovascular disease!
Cholesterol is a waxy, white , yellowy fat and essential building block for our body, hormones, vitamin D and bile amongst other functions. 80% is made in your body and only 20% taken in the diet.
Doing your liver detox is important in controlling fatty acid production and cholesterol metabolism and elimination. We want to reduce of chances of arteriosclerosis, cardio vascular disease and stroke on a daily basis. This is done by reducing our levels of Low density Lipoproteins and increasing our levels of high density lipoproteins. We want to have a higher ratio of the High density lipoproteins whose job is to take cholesterol particles to the liver for elimination.
There are several types of cholesterol and I talk about this in my latest pod cast I made for you today. I sat in my herbal dispensary and went through some of my books looking at modern and traditional ways to control and reduce cholesterol levels. It was fun. I went into the Work of Dr Vogel in Switzerland in the 1950's. Plus I looked at my pharmacology text books and The Clinical naturopathy book by Jermone Sarris and Jon Wardle here in Australia . Plus of course I give you info from my book The Wellness Zone and other personal research.
Here I want to share with you some tips on cholesterol management
1. Diet and lifestyle are the number one way to reduce serum cholesterol levels. This is a diet low in fatty acids, low in saturated fats, keep off the trans fatty acids. Have a diet low in processed foods . I read some research that said running or walking at heart rate 65% to 80% capacity for 32 km a week is optimal. Anything over 19km a week is beneficial. So, more reasons to get off the couch!
2. Garlic, ginger, turmeric, ginkgo biloba, hawthorne berry and globe artichoke are all herbs that have been shown in research and traditionally to help reduce blood cholesterol levels. These herbs were also shown to work while you are taking them and the effect reduces and disappears when you stop taking them. So the message for cholesterol reduction is to take the herbs daily and keep them in your blood to keep up the health benefits!
3. Detox your liver and blood when its detox season and keep your liver free of congestion which helps it function optimally and reduces risk factors.
4. Essential fatty acids in the diet help improve levels of High density lipoproteins and research has shown that these are good in the diet. Iodine was suggested by Dr Vogel as an essential ingredient in prevention of cardiovascular disease. Also fibre, B group vitamins such as B3 and B 12 were connected to cholesterol reduction.
I hope this helps you understand how cholesterol works in the body. My podcast is for about 60 minutes and is full of extended information from this blog. Where I explain the low down on cholesterol and arteriosclerosis with some practical and helpful solutions.
Heres the link to my latest podcast on spotify
We are super happy to chat with you and formulate a herbal solution to meet your needs.
Call us 0409765033. 15 minute free chat line for advice and we can formulate and send you herbs asap!
CLICK ON OUR "BOOK" button on our website for your personal online consultation. This is a new service and we post your herbs for free freight when you have a one hour online video consult with me. Yes lets catch up properly on your health needs and refine your program today!
We have three bookings free this Friday the 27th September at Moffats beach clinic. Its rare that we have vacancies, so If you want to see me personally please make your booking. Contact me to book. wellness@medicineroom.net
Check out our online shop for herbal body products and gift vouchers. You can also get my books as e books online.
We are open from Tuesday to Saturday each week for herbal and naturopathic services.
YOU CAN BOOK CLINIC WITH ME. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS. CALOUNDRA OR MALENY... call us 0409765033 or text to book. Love Dom xoxo
Our next Long Table Wellness day is October 20th and December 1st. We are open for bookings now. www.medicineroom.com.au
You can heal your life with herbs, nutrition and mindset. Be calm, be healthy and have a strong emotional body, strong physical body and an active vibrant mind! We are really happy to help you.
Have a great day and take care
phone us +61 409765033
Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom http://www.facebook.com/dominiquelivkamal
On instagram we are medicine_room
Thank you for making time to look at my work. Let me know if we can help you in any way!
With love and blessings Dominique Livkamal
MHlth public health/health promotion Bch Hlth Sc/ Complementary medicine ND, Nutritionist, herbalist . Adv Dip Nat. Dip Journ. Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu, student of life and wellness advocate. Founder Medicineroom. High vibes on the mountain, herbal first aid services and programmer for Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Lets talk Spring detox ? With Nature cure as the leading strategy
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Its going to be fun and simple. Lets talk spring detox
Episode 16 on my project wellness
Heres the plan.
1. we make the commitment to nature cure being our primary source of medicine for the spring season. This is water, sunlight, nature, fresh air, natural clean foods and pure herbal medicines to cleanse and heal us!
2. To start off we will take it easy and everyday commit to one green juice containing your favourite greens. Celery, spinach, cucumber, all green vegetables and green apples. Green grapes... green inside is the aim. Add one teapsoon of spirulina or your favourite green powder to the daily juice... You can have ore than one juice a day if you like!
3. We are going to eat clean.... this is simple too.... lets list the " no" foods here such as processed foods, commercially packaged foods, anything with addatives and preservatives in it... here are the " yes" foods. Simple unprocessed foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh foods in every form that you eat.
4. Have water in your diet daily... Make it 300ml every hour while you are awake if you can.... Keep the urine cycle going as thats the fastest way to cleanse your blood of all those built up toxins we are releasing.
5. Take a good herbal detox blend with milk thistle for liver protection and detoxing, peppermint for deodorising digestive tract, globe artichoke for liver and gallbladder cleansing, dandelion for blood, kidneys and digestion and some black walnut hulls to gently start to release parasites. This is my number one formula for your spring detox.
6. Think about adding a fasting day one day a week for the spring season. This is 24 hours of detoxing on pure water and herbal teas only weekly.
7. If you want personalised program book online for a one hour session with me over the internet on a zoom chat. This is face to face online consultation for $88 one hour and will set you up for your detox plan.
8. Email us and chat about your needs ( free service) Or visit us at Eumundi Markets on Saturdays for the latest detox plans and info!
9. Book a herbal body therapy session with me in Caloundra for 1.5 hours of physical detox therapy where we wrap you in cotton and allow all those toxins to be released!

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Episode 15 Project Wellness
Respiratory tract wellness.
Here is the low down on natural and herbal solutions to prevent and cure yourself from respiratory tract illnesses
We've had bush fires here in south east Qld this week. Dust storms last week! Its an allergenic haven for congestion, infection and upper respiratory tract illnesses that can quickly develop into lung infections if not treated properly.
How do you feel? These are traditional spring time conditions for sinus, rhinitus, hayfever and congested heads with headaches, developing into sore throats and then coughs!
Today I'm helping you find simple solutions that are probably already in your kitchen. Think herb teas, spices, kitchen herbs and some easy yet old fashioned nature cure remedies.
You can book a online video consult with me.
you can visit me at our free clinic weekly at Eumundi Markets.
You can call us and chat +610409765033
www.medicineroom.com.au for all details.
Blessings, light and love Dominique Livkamal
#projectwellness #dominiquelivkamal #medicineroom #sunshinecoast #allergies #repsiratory #wellness #herbalmedicine #naturopath #healing #naturecure #wellnessandjoy #herbal #herbs #australia #podcast #wellnessblogger #itunes #podbean #abccoastfm

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Dom interviews Susanna Czeranko at ICNM THE HEVERT COLLECTION
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
When I was at the ICNM I met Sussanna Czeranko who is very inspiring. She spent the last ten years working on 12 books! The Hevert Collection which spans the history of naturopathic medicine writings that were located in the NUNM university rare books library.
Starting with ISBN 978-1-945785-00-9 Origins of naturopathic medicine you can track these books down through NUNM press. www.nunm-press.com
I loved talking with Sussanna about this project which was so comprehensive collecting so much history data and putting into these volumes.....She did it at no profit and spent thousands of hours working on the 12 volumes. We are getting the full set for our medicineroom herbal medical library.... Wow, what an incredible contribution to naturopathic medicine. Thank you Sussanne for chatting with me.

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Herbal First Aid with Dominique Livkamal ICNM London July 7th 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
I was super blessed to be invited to present my work on herbal first aid at the 6th International Congress of Naturopathic Medicine on July 7th 2019.
Here is my presentation on podcast.
The Herbal first aid service started in 2010 in Festivals and pop up events in Australia. Its my way of working from the ground up in our free naturopathic environments and helping patrons with minor first aid issues such as cuts, bruises, injuries and the aim of the project is to prevent cellulitis.
Enjoy my podcast
The pic here is our Australian crew who attended ICNM2019.